Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Latest News

There is an excellent web site at "WindcrestWins.org" with tons of valuable information.  The City of Windcrest recently accepted a Financial Audit of both the City of Windcrest and Windcrest Economic Development Corporation.
  The WindcrestWins.org site presents many highlights of the actual financial picture and what is actually happening behind the scenes.  The Auditor's report was pretty clean.  It tells me there were invoices for payments, the numbers of income and payments match.  But there is no mention of what the invoices are paying for.
 For example, there is an entry to Houston Community Bank for loan payoff for some $12+ K.  A search of the City of Windcrest web page returns nothing concerning Houston Community Bank.  Whose loan was this?  Why did the City of  Windcrest even have a loan from Houston Community Bank?
 Another example are the vast number of canceled checks.  Checks were written to individuals and companies for several thousand dollars, then more checks to the SAME individuals and companies for the exact same amounts.  Next there are entries to Void the checks.  Ok, so you think, no big deal, I've done that with my own checking account.  Did you do it some 30 times? Keep in mind, these are professional financial people!  So why so many mistakes?


  1. I was advised to look at this site, and am glad I did so. Perhaps a Freedom of Information Request would resolve the particulars of the loan in question.

  2. I was advised to look at this site, and am glad I did so.

    Perhaps asking the City Manager the particulars about the loan in question would uncover the history of the loan. City Finance should also be able to answer such a question.
