Council lowered the Tax Rate. Your taxes went up because Bexar County increased the assessed value of your home. That's a fact.
Windcrest will received MORE property taxes this year than last. That would NOT happend if your Taxes were lowered.
2013 Tax Rate was: 0.4152310 (The .07 Interest and Sinking Fund was paid off this year. That
was for Road 7 years ago)
2014 Tax Rate was: 0.3409000 (Lower because the Interest & Sinking Fund was Paid off.)
2015 Tax Rate is: 0.3341000
Each year Bexar County sends out two figures for municipalities to consider.
- Effective Rate: The rate at which the City will receive the same $$ as last year. Automatically decreases as the home values increase.
- Rollback Rate: The Maximum rate a City can increase their tax rate without issuing bonds.
During the budget process Cities must determine what Tax Rate they will assess. There is NO figure automatically assigned. Cities determine what they want to spend and assess a Tax Rate that will support that budget. If property value increase as they did in 2015, Cities can assess a lower Rate and still get MORE money that the previous year. That's what Windcrest did for 2016 budget. The Council assess a 0.3341000 Tax Rate which Netted the City more $$ that was netted in 2015.
Your TAXES were NOT lowered by 2%, that's a LIE. Your Tax Rate for 2016 is lower than in 2015, but you actually pay MORE $$, so your taxes were NOT Lowered!
The 2016 Tax Rate is a little lower than the 2015 rate, but you pay more taxes. True, the Tax Rate is NOT as High as allowed by law, but the Net $ income is More for 2016 than in 2015.
The economy has picked up and businesses are having a great year. More businesses creates more Sales Taxe for Windcrest.
Between the Sales Tax increasing and the increased assessed home values, Windcrest is stitting pretty.
So WHY the LIES? It's what magicians and attorneys do, they create Misdirection to take your eyes (and mind) off what the other hand is doing.
In 2009 the WEDC forcasted budget which comes from 1/4 of 1 percent of the City sales tax was $300,000. The 2016 WEDC budget is $487,000. That's a hefty increase and all WEDC can find to spend money is Trips to Las Vegas for half a dozen folks, including the Mayor and Council persons.
Remember the Misdirection? Our streets are terrible is one example. Last year during Phase 1, there was street repair on Hickory Hollow and a couple of other streets. Phase two was suppose to start last year, but was held off because of the Christmas season and visitors to Windcrest should not have to deal with construction. Guess what? Nothing was done in all of 2015, and now Christmas season is hear again so construction will be delayed once again.
Now if you don't spend 1 Million on street repairs in 2015, where is the money? The flyer say the city has over 2 million in the rainy day fund.. well Yea, I hope so, but what about the streets?
It's time for a change, Stop the LIES. Elect real people to the council, get rid of the McFall and Gretz Poster Cut outs.
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