Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Council out of Control

 Windcrest is out of control.  Election fever has struck, the political  incumbents are scared stiff and the Mayor is trying everything in the book.  Both books, the legal and illegal I think.  

 How can the City file a law suit without council approval PRIOR to filling against the Water District?  

The suit was filed Oct 13, 2014.  Yes one week before council had the agenda item.  Council had an agenda item Oct 20, 2014 concerning the suit..
On Oct 24, 2014 at 9:00 am there is a non jury setting on Temp Injunction.  Troy (Trey) Martin III.
 It really irks me that the city spends $$ on bull like this.  And without council approval.  

 Council discussed this Oct 20 executive session and the Mayor had lots to say after the executive session.  Funny how no other council person is permitted to speak, have you noticed that?  

 After reviewing the video it seems they are claiming open meeting violations.  The Mayor said it was not a properly posted meeting, etc, etc.

Another reader said: "This sort of action requires council approval, and I haven't seen any closed legal consultation items on the last few agendas."

Yet another reader said, "We are paying at both ends.  As Taxpayers to the City of Windcrest, we are funding the crazy Mayor.  As Bexar County Water District customers we are paying to defend this crazy mayor."    

Another reader said, this is the same law firm that contributed to their election campaign

The facts are in plain sight.  The suit was filed on Oct 13, 2014 and Council put it on the agenda a week later, Oct 20, 2014.  Plain illegal I think?  You?

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