Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Candidates for Water Board- Fix Streets

    You have probably seen the Water District Election signs in Windcrest. Thee black and white signs with three (3) names.  They are running for the Board of Directors because they want the streets in Win Brook Estates repaired.  Seems the developer and contractors constructed streets om Win Brook Estates with a life expectancy of less than 10 years.  They want to use the Capital Improvement dollars of the Water District to replace the streets.
   Fernando Richards- when asked about the Mayor holding a meet the candidates for his hand selected candidates said. The Mayor having a Party, Election Party for selected candidates have NO Bearing on what I bring to the table.  --- Really!!?

      I bring 30 years of Military experience to the table. Eugenia Snead
  News Flash Eugenia, The current Board of Directors bring of 50 years of WATER ISSUES to the table.
  Wake up Windcrest,  Vote Brandt, Greenwood and John Fagin for Water Board of Directors to keep the water district servicing the whole of Windcrest, not streets on Murray Winn.

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